Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 20

I hate when I get assholes. This guy was rich, and seemed like he talked to everyone as if they just told him to fuck off. The slightest indiscretion prompts an offense! How can you go around treating everyone like that? And as soon as you act like a dickhead to somebody, they get a shot of andrenaline, they get riled up, and now they're angry!

This asshole in particular had just gotten on the phone before he was asked his secret password, and in his highly nasally accent he said, "Paaaan co(ne)."

I typed it in but no go. "Sorry, sir, it didn't work. Can you spell that?"

He angrily trumpets his words, "Are you having trouble hearing me? I said Paaaaiiinn Cone!"


"As in a paaaiin tray (tree)." (Still not spelling it for me.)

Oh! "Pine cone," I said in my perfect American accent. "Your I's sound like A's."

He said nothing so I went on with the call, but he of course continued to be a jerk throughout. Why would you be that kind of person where you interact with people in a threatening way all the time? I know this guy is the same kind of guy I've seen before at the grocery store being nasty to the cashier, or one time when I went to pick up some food at a restaurant where a lot of people were waiting; this one customer was screaming at the manager for how long he'd been waiting, saying his family was "starving"--meanwhile there's 3 guys in the kitchen busting their asses to make food for all these people.

I've been to this restaurant plenty of times and it's never been that busy, they just had an unusual spike in business that day. Why was everyone else in line so calmly waiting? There wasn't any toe tapping, sighs of impatience, or crossed arms, everybody understood the circumstances. But this one asshole puts all that aside and the only thing he seems to know or focus on is that his food is going to be ready 10 minutes later than he was originally told, and he wants it now, even if it defies the possibility of cooking good food in reasonable time. Waaaaa!

Then he eats, is temporarily satiated, and calls someone like me to yell "Paaaaainnnn con(e)! Are you having trouble hearing me?"

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