Running documentation of the stupidest calls ever to come into a customer service call center
Sunday, September 13, 2009
FailBlog couldn't have said it better myself
Below is a perfect example of the type of conversations I have daily (courtesy of, although they are generally an endless loop of this exchange:
Dear Plebeians: Since I've been handling customer service for bank cards, I've long realized how appallingly stupid this country has really become. Not only that, but due to the anonymity of telephone service many good people unleash their anger and completely disregard all manners and etiquette on poor, innocent workers just doing their jobs.
Do people really need to be screaming so loudly on their cell phones that they can’t hear me, constantly interrupting me and talking over me? Do you know how many people I talk to that I have to rush every sentence before they cut me off anyway, still lost because even though I’m answering their questions, they’re just not listening? And it all comes down to people simply being so self-involved they have no interest in ANYTHING but their needs and wants, so much so that they only focus on the problem and forget to actually solve the problem.
I’ve decided to take logs of particular calls I get where people exemplify the worst of this behavior, and although these samples are sparse, do not forget that LITERALLY on most other calls people regularly demonstrate rude and stupid behavior.
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