Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17


I can't believe the assholes that are pouring in today, many of whom are constantly interrupting me in the middle of my struggle to provide the valuable information for which they themselves asked.

But I've now just ended a ludicrous conversation with a customer who sent quite a few payments in random amounts to us with the intention for some to be applied to one account, and for some to be applied to another account. All, however, were instead applied to one account, so naturally he asked if we could move some of them over to the appropriate account.

All seemed well, so far, and his request was very simple, but don't forget--I'm speaking to a human, an habitually idiotic sub-being, so what should have been an easy call became a disaster. I asked him which payments were the ones belonging to the other account and--are you watching carefully? I'm only asking WHICH PAYMENTS BELONG TO THE OTHER ACCOUNT--and his response included lamenting over how much of a mistake we've made posting all the payments to the wrong account.

I apologized, assured him we could easily correct it, and the single component missing was his listing of the payments in need of transfer. Of course, he responded only with complaints of our mistake, so I made it clear to him that we could move beyond that (with my apologies of course), I just needed the amounts in question.

No need for elaboration here to establish that this exhancge continued for about another 5 minutes, the customer insisting how terrible we were that we made a mistake, and me stressing that I needed his help to resolve the very problem he's belaboring, two people talking to each other but holding different conversations, and finally the customer declares he's done talking to me, he wants to talk to someone else. With pleasure!

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