Friday, September 25, 2009

September 25

Yesterday was too horrible of a day to even report on it, the most despicable of the despicable were on hand to spread their anger and hate.

Today was less volatile, but more prone to stump dummies ("stump dummies" is a term coined to refer to dummies who are so easily stumped by the simplest issues). I had one kind of stump dummy whose tactic involved repeating his request again and again throughout the conversation, while their request is being fulfilled. He was late and wanted his late fees removed, so I of course told him if he paid to be current we could waive his late fees. Unsurprisingly for a first response, he reaffirmed that he wanted a credit after agreeing to make a payment.

I went through with the payment, which involved verifying his payee, payee's account number, and the amount. Each of these steps was met with a reiteration that he wanted to make a payment and get a credit for his late fees. When I finally got that over with and offered him a confirmation number, he declined and told me that he just wants a credit for his late fees. I again repeated my awareness of the situation, and that I was in the process of doing exactly that.

Even when I was done and confirmed that the credits were issued, he resummarized for me his intention in calling to have those same fees removed. All throughout the fucking call, it was like pulling teeth just to do the simplest task, which was constantly interrupted by him repeating why he was calling. I'm just calling because I want you to reverse the late fees!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 20

I hate when I get assholes. This guy was rich, and seemed like he talked to everyone as if they just told him to fuck off. The slightest indiscretion prompts an offense! How can you go around treating everyone like that? And as soon as you act like a dickhead to somebody, they get a shot of andrenaline, they get riled up, and now they're angry!

This asshole in particular had just gotten on the phone before he was asked his secret password, and in his highly nasally accent he said, "Paaaan co(ne)."

I typed it in but no go. "Sorry, sir, it didn't work. Can you spell that?"

He angrily trumpets his words, "Are you having trouble hearing me? I said Paaaaiiinn Cone!"


"As in a paaaiin tray (tree)." (Still not spelling it for me.)

Oh! "Pine cone," I said in my perfect American accent. "Your I's sound like A's."

He said nothing so I went on with the call, but he of course continued to be a jerk throughout. Why would you be that kind of person where you interact with people in a threatening way all the time? I know this guy is the same kind of guy I've seen before at the grocery store being nasty to the cashier, or one time when I went to pick up some food at a restaurant where a lot of people were waiting; this one customer was screaming at the manager for how long he'd been waiting, saying his family was "starving"--meanwhile there's 3 guys in the kitchen busting their asses to make food for all these people.

I've been to this restaurant plenty of times and it's never been that busy, they just had an unusual spike in business that day. Why was everyone else in line so calmly waiting? There wasn't any toe tapping, sighs of impatience, or crossed arms, everybody understood the circumstances. But this one asshole puts all that aside and the only thing he seems to know or focus on is that his food is going to be ready 10 minutes later than he was originally told, and he wants it now, even if it defies the possibility of cooking good food in reasonable time. Waaaaa!

Then he eats, is temporarily satiated, and calls someone like me to yell "Paaaaainnnn con(e)! Are you having trouble hearing me?"

Friday, September 18, 2009

September 18

I spoke with a customer today who had her account cancelled by our Collections department, of course much to her dismay. Her response was that she was dealing with a representative in the Collections department before (months ago before) and they said they were not going to cancel the account. Well, I said, lo and behold, this card is in fact closed, despite what you were told.

No! She was speaking with someone before who said the account would not be closed if they paid everything off. I understand, I told her, but in the end they did actually close the account and because Collections did it, there's no possibility of reinstatement.

But they said they weren't going to do that! (pause) Well, what you're making a point of is that you were told this wouldn't happen, and there is no disagreement here, but what I'm doing is making a separate, second point which is that despite that, the account was closed down.

But I talked to so-and-so, they said they wouldn't close it, they said we could keep the account open if we paid it off!

Is there something wrong with you? Do you try to live in reality or fantasy? The reality is that we closed it--not to be callous, but it's a sheer fact! The fantasy is that this would have never happened like you were originally told. Can you separate those ideas? One exisiting in reality, the other not?

Of course, what I actually told her was that no matter how much she's hoping that the reality I'm sharing isn't true, it indeed is. Now she takes offense: "I'm not hoping...I'm just saying, I was told it wouldn't be cancelled if I paid it off." But isn't she, though? After several repetitions, any idiot would have now caught on that the account was cancelled, that's the end of it. Someone who keeps repeating, "But they said they wouldn't, but they said they wouldn't, but they said they wouldn't..." is no better than someone plugging their ears and hollering at the top of their lungs the reality they want to believe.

Imagine getting in an accident, and asking the person who hit you for their insurance information, only to be told, "I didn't want this accident to happen."

"Yeah, me neither, but let me get your insurance information."

"I didn't want this accident to happen."

"Ok... do you have your insurance info?"

"I didn't want this accident to happen."

And so on...

Why would one never find themselves in this situation, and yet I find myself experiencing these kind of exchanges every day on the phone? Oh, I know, because YOU PEOPLE ARE STUPID FUCKING IDIOTS!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17


I can't believe the assholes that are pouring in today, many of whom are constantly interrupting me in the middle of my struggle to provide the valuable information for which they themselves asked.

But I've now just ended a ludicrous conversation with a customer who sent quite a few payments in random amounts to us with the intention for some to be applied to one account, and for some to be applied to another account. All, however, were instead applied to one account, so naturally he asked if we could move some of them over to the appropriate account.

All seemed well, so far, and his request was very simple, but don't forget--I'm speaking to a human, an habitually idiotic sub-being, so what should have been an easy call became a disaster. I asked him which payments were the ones belonging to the other account and--are you watching carefully? I'm only asking WHICH PAYMENTS BELONG TO THE OTHER ACCOUNT--and his response included lamenting over how much of a mistake we've made posting all the payments to the wrong account.

I apologized, assured him we could easily correct it, and the single component missing was his listing of the payments in need of transfer. Of course, he responded only with complaints of our mistake, so I made it clear to him that we could move beyond that (with my apologies of course), I just needed the amounts in question.

No need for elaboration here to establish that this exhancge continued for about another 5 minutes, the customer insisting how terrible we were that we made a mistake, and me stressing that I needed his help to resolve the very problem he's belaboring, two people talking to each other but holding different conversations, and finally the customer declares he's done talking to me, he wants to talk to someone else. With pleasure!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The parents have failed us

The parents of at least the last few generations have completely failed us, neglecting to raise children with manners and humility. Instead we're trapped with proud and rude idiots who insist on having things their way, no matter how unrealistic or unreasonable. It doesn't matter to them that their behavior defies logic, because the bottom line is it's what they want and they want it now.

I could kill the moron who made up the phrase, "The customer is always right" (who, by the way, is early 19th century French hotelier César Ritz). This seemingly innocuous phrase of the last century has become a mantra for dumbass shoppers everywhere, and people--hold on, I can't believe this... People actually bring themselves to truly believe that whatever they say is right, that whatever the want is justified, NO MATTER WHAT, and when they are told otherwise, they unleash the asshole within.

Can you imagine me going to McDonald's and telling them I don't want them to use the mayonnaise they use, I want a special brand because I like the taste better? No, I can't use your mayo, I don't like the taste, I WANT MY MAYONNAISE! I am starving, I have kids here starving, I don't understand why I just can't have the sandwich the way I want it. Do you know how long I've been coming here? So what you're saying is, screw you and your mayonnaise, we don't need your business? Cuz I can go to Burger King!

Seems silly to have a conversation like the one above, and I think so, too, but I have them all day long, and it would probably surprise you how many people just make anything up and yet get mad when it's not the way things work in reality. And they seem so offended: "You mean to tell me you can't do what I just made up? But it's what I want, it's what I made up!" Well, good for fuckin you, but if you want to be productive with your life, why not ask me what solutions we offer to your problem and pick one?

"But Mike!" you say, "If these people are all asking for the same thing, why doesn't your company just accomodate them? It sounds a little more like you're the asshole!"

Not so, my naïve friend, many many many many many many people have completely unique requests, and plenty more after them with have their own bizarre inquiries (of course, not bizarre to them, only to everyone else on the planet). And how wrong are we to not give them what they want, even if it compromises that same transaction for every other customer!

While writing this entry, I must've have spoken with 4 or 5 people, all but 1 of which were rude. The last one was extremely rude, he wanted us to give him very sensitive information over the phone the we NEVER release; he asked why we can't release it, but right when I started to answer he interrupted, pretending to be nice, laughing as he continued expressing how flabbergasted he was that we couldn't give him the information he wanted; I kept trying to interject to answer him (cuz what else are we here to talk about?) but he just steamrolled right over me, dramatically agonizing over our lack of service; I finally told him I'm trying to get a word in to answer him but with no success, and OF COURSE this also offended him and he decided to end the conversation, left with the impression that we are uncooperative with our customers (cooperative meaning we gave him whatever he wanted); what irony after having just written this entry that I had to deal with someone exactly like that!

And I just had another call with this rude, old guy who's talking so loud and is so excited with himself I literally had a tough time trying to answer his questions because he's constantly talking over me! YOU PEOPLE ARE RUDE!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

FailBlog couldn't have said it better myself

Below is a perfect example of the type of conversations I have daily (courtesy of, although they are generally an endless loop of this exchange:

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11


I don't feel like typing all the bullshit people have put me through today (so much of which actual bulls couldn't excrete), but here's a quick example:

Customer: "...Who do I call so I can get that done?"
Me: "You just call us in customer service, which is one-eight-hundr--"
Customer: "I don't know the number!"

This fucker asked me WHO he would call, and I--smartly--answer... (!) WHO (!) he should call, and nice old me immediately continues on to give the number, and this fucking idiot interrupts me to declare with such defense, "I don't know the number!"

ALL FUCKING DAY with these people...

(seriously taking a minute to pray death upon the entire human race)

Friday, September 4, 2009

September 4

Some people can't carry a tune, some lack good dancing skills, but so, so, so many lack basic phone rhythm. Just moments ago I took what must've been the thousandth call where someone's phone rhythm is so bad they just constantly steamroll over me and interrupt me to a point where it defeats the purpose of asking me anything. For example:

CUSTOMER: "Hi, I just wanted to know if....because I needed to use my account and I...(lengthy explanation that includes original story, repetition of it 2 or 3 times, summarization of it, and then a summary of that summary)."

ME: "Well, yes you can, as long as you are--"

CUSTOMER: "Because I'm just not sure... (repeats entire story once again after I just started to answer it, and this is no exaggeration)."

ME: I may finally go on to give an explanation but I'll make attempts at answering several other inquiries (or probably the same one again) in the middle of constant interruptions and conversation takeovers.

The call will finally end at some point, and another idiot will get online to do the dance all over again.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 3

A lot of morons have poured through the lines since the last posts, but there are just too many encounters to detail, especially when I'm so pressed for time. Bascially, I'm dealing with the same kind of people detailed below--the type who insist on the answers they want instead of the answers they get--but I'd like to briefly list some of the stupidity I'm experiencing just today. Although, with regards to people insisting on answers they want, it occurs to me that maybe these people are more selfish and stubborn than stupid, and that's what drives this insanity I put up with. But... that would just make them stupid, wouldn't it? A wise person would never label themselves as selfish and stubborn. Anyway:

-In between the caller speaking 4-5 sentences, I was barely able to finish even 1 sentence in response as she kept rudely cutting me off. I couldn't even finish the thought of wishing her a good day at the end of the call.

-A customer interrupted me in the middle of asking his mother's maiden name, which I obviously didn't hear because I was still asking the question.

-I had a situation similar to the one mentioned in a previous entry, where a woman was asked her year of birth for security and she kept giving her husband's. There must have been 8 or 9 different exchanges where she would keep giving me her husband's year of birth when I made it explicitly clear I only needed hers. It eventually dawned on her: "Oooooohhhh, so you just need my year of birth!" No fucking shit, Sherlock.

-More insanely rude people talking over me and not letting me finish my sentences (sentences which are answers they themselves are asking for).

-This one comes up all the time: people with education and doctorates who are so smugly confident with how intelligent they are, and yet they can never seem to grasp the most basic concepts. One of these kind of people said he had just spoken with someone and asked to add people to his account, and then make his wife a manager. However, since he couldn't provide her social security number the process could not be completed at the time, so he was advised to call back when he had her info. He was calling back now because he wanted to make sure we only add the people to his account, and not fully make his wife a manager because he wouldn't have her social for another week. I told him it's okay, the people were added to the card but the application for his wife was never finalized since he didn't have the social.
After taking a deep breath, he spoke more slowly this time, though only to reiaterate the question I just answered. He said he wants to make sure we don't go through with adding his wife, just the other people, so I told him that was already the case, just as he was told in the original call he made. It took 2 or 3 more rounds before he finally caught on, and hung up after thanking me for my time.

-Here's one that comes up a many times a day, and today has not been any different: if a caller has a fear that something they did or are going to do will have a negative impact on their account and I tell them there is nothing to worry about, they respond by explaining to me at length why they were so fearful. I remind them, again, that there is nothing to be fearful about because everything is okay. "Oh, ok," they say, "because I was worried if..." and they go on saying the same thing yet again. I tell them once more that everything is okay, I back it up with logic and proof, and yet once more they explain to me why they had their fears ("...and I just wanted to make sure nothing would happen to the account, because I always pay on time, and I'm going to be traveling, and I need my card, and I don't think my balance is more than allowed, and I didn't know if I was going to be able..." etc.). It always varies how little or how many times we have to go back and forth and back and forth, but the gist is the same, and every idiot eventually lets what I've repeatedly said sink in before they hang up. Are you starting to see a pattern here with the repetition?