Friday, August 14, 2009

August 14, 2009

This customer was simply trying to call in and make a payment and the first and only question I had to ask was what her password was. She gave me a number (that later turned out to be her husband’s password) but the system said it was incorrect, and since the system only gave me one more chance to enter it, I asked her to be sure it was the password she created. She said she didn’t know what she set, so I asked if she could just give a password she usually uses or might have given us. Instead of answering that, she repeated that she didn’t set any password. Upon further pressing, she responded again with her husband’s password. I said I didn’t need his, just hers, but she kept telling me her husband’s and while continuously telling her I didn’t need her husband’s, she suddenly puts him on the phone.

I told him immediately I didn’t need him at all, I didn’t need his password, just his wife’s password. He of course answered that she doesn’t have a password, and gave me his password. I even literally said that I didn’t know how I could possibly make it any clearer, but I did NOT need his password, just his wife’s, and I understand she doesn’t know what it is, but since I have to make a last attempt at identification, could they just PLEASE tell me what she MIGHT have set. He told me his password, and that she doesn’t have one.

At this point, it would seem simple enough to move on to the next question, and trust me, I would love to do that, but I can’t until I put another answer. And who could believe it, but when I literally ask the CM to give me ANYTHING she tells me her husband’s password and that she has never set a password, over and over and over and over again. Here’s the progression: What’s your password? “I never set a password.” Well then, do you know what you might have given us as a password? “I never set a password.” We can see here that what I’m doing is moving on to the next question but the caller only keeps answering my first question, as she forever will because she’s fucking stupid.

I got the husband to finally give the phone back to his wife, but even still she wouldn’t stop answering with her husband's info, which you’ll remember I quickly moved past within the first few seconds of the call. I ended up doing what I wasn’t supposed to do and told her I was just putting whatever I wanted into the system to get it to move on to the next question. YOU PEOPLE ARE STUPID!

August 10, 2009

A customer had 4 insurance charges because 2 airlines each charged him 2 times (1 insurance charge is automatically billed per airline charge); he did not understand why it was being charged per leg of the trip when it was all one big trip (expecting charges per passenger not per airline charge), so it was explained to him the way it works. He again explained that he doesn’t understand why he’s being charged per leg and was again told that was not how the system determines charges, it’s per airline charge. When he restated his point and mentioned never in the past is he charged per leg of the trip (as if he suddenly is now), I resorted to asking him if he saw the charges on the bill so that I could correlate 1 charge, 1 insurance, another charge, another insurance, etc.

At this point, he would not answer if he saw the charges, just continue to bemoan the extra charges in spite of only 2 people taking one trip. I asked him again if he saw the 4 different airline charges, and he repeated himself once more, so I asked again very slowly and clearly, but he just repeated himself yet again and concluded, “I don’t understand why I’m getting charged twice when it’s one trip.” I told him I was trying to explain to him exactly why it was charged, but in order to do so I needed to know if he sees the very charges triggering the insurances. “Let’s move on,” he said, and derailed the conversation with another inane inquiry.

The latter half of the call was spent doing a similar dance, where the CM had a charge for a car rental but no charge for CRLDI was generated. The reason was because the company labeled themselves as a touring company instead of a car rental company, and even though the CM was told a manual charge could be placed he went back and forth claiming he didn’t understand why no charge was generated, there was never a problem in the past, he didn’t understand why no charge was generated, there was never a problem in the past. He (SURPRISE!) seemed to understand that he would be manually charged for the insurance but he never acknowledged the reason he wasn't billed automatically.

August 9, 2009

Another customer called and complained ad nauseum about having his line of credit lowered and claimed he didn’t know why it happened, citing such a great history with us. I asked if he got a letter about it to explain and just as he started to answer, he would suddenly just repeat that it was lowered and how upset he was. I continued probing a little more about getting a letter explaining it (which I'm sure he's gotten), but he'd only keep repeating himself about being really upset. So the cycle went on, he stating he was upset about the credit line and he didn't know why it was dropped, me asking just about any question to move us on to the next point, and he again just telling me he's upset and doesn't know why.

After a few rounds of this nonsense, I just cut to the chase and offered to transfer him to the department that lowered it, since I was obviously not going to wait for him to suddenly include me in the conversation. However, each time I asked even that he would just start to answer again, then suddenly lament on and on over how great his history was and how he didn’t understand why it was done. I finally pretty much just told him to hold while I transferred him but he soon hung up while waiting. What a waste of time, what a waste of breath, what a waste of a life.

August 9, 2009

This customer purchased a car on his card and wanted to know if we would insure the car for a few days until he officially got insurance since he used his card. I told him no, we only insure car rentals paid for with the card, not a new car. “I know I have car rental insurance, that’s why I’m calling to see if you have car insurance,” he said, and went on to restate why he was asking. I would again answer, and he would repeat exactly what's quoted above, and I'd answer, and he'd repeat, and this continued for a while before the cusomter finally hung up.

August 9, 2009

A customer wanted to know if she can use her card after the due date because she was going to be late. I said I couldn’t tell her if she could use her card in the future, only if she can use it right now. She immediately repeated her question, so I answered again the same thing, and after she still repeated her question I had to interrupt and ask what it would take to help her accept the answer. Her response was, “I don’t understand why you can’t tell me if I can use my card after the due date.” She seemed to finally get it after a fourth reiteration.