Monday, October 19, 2009

La Gringa Puta

These kind of calls come once in a while, but I just CAN'T understand these people. This woman called in and said she needed us to verify a different address than we had on file for another company. I told her it was no problem, I could add an alternate address to her file, being very cordial and polite as always. I promptly asked if she could provide the address so I could put it in the system, and VERY sarcastically she answers, "I would have to give you that, wouldn't I?"


I'm always rocked by these responses, where the fuck do you come off? What is with the attitude, and out of nowhere, in the middle of what was a pleasant conversation? You sick fuck, you schizophrenic. And she spent a good third or fourth of the conversation explaining how much of a hurry she was in and how she had not a minute to waste, and yet that was the only unproductive part of the call. The above scenario happens somewhat often, not every day, but just about every day people do take just enough time explaining how they have no time to waste to make it ironic. Stupid!


It never ceases to amaze me the wave of stupid people that come in, I talk to over 100 people a day, all of them new, and yet there never seems to be an end to the supply of idiots out there.